Publication & Conference

Yu-Yuan (Stuart) Yang | Mar 17, 2025 min read

This is a summary list for my publication and conference, which is updated manually. Click on the project codes (e.g. FASTEVALP) to have a brief understanding of the project.



5. [research/tools, FASTEVALP] Yang, Y. Y., Ho, M. Y., Tai, C. H., Wu, R. M., Kuo, M. C., and Tseng, Y. J. (Feb. 2024). “FastEval Parkinsonism: an instant deep learning–assisted video-based online system for Parkinsonian motor symptom evaluation.” NPJ Digital Medicine, DOI: 10.1038/s41746-024-01022-x
4. [research, WPIFEMUSL] Yang, Y. Y., Lai, Y. R., How, S. C., Lin, T. H., and Wang, S. S. S. (Jan. 2024). “Encapsulation with a complex of acidic/alkaline polysaccharide-whey protein isolate fibril bilayer microcapsules enhances the stability of β-carotene under acidic environments.” Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtice.2024.105344


3. [thesis, FASTEVALP] Yang, Y. Y. (April 2023). “FastEval Parkinsonism: an instant deep learning-based online self-evaluation system for the diagnosis of Parkinson’s symptoms with hand videos using finger tapping.” NTU BEBI (2023 Best Master Thesis Award), DOI:10.6342/NTU202300716
2. [research, COVIDVARI] Yang, Y. Y. and Tseng, Y. J. (May 2023). “The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variants on the spike-protein and hACE2 interface – determined by the hydrogen bonding formations.” Briefings in Functional Genomics, DOI: 10.1093/bfgp/elac053
1. [review, QUANTCADD] Wang, P. H., Chen J. H., Yang, Y. Y., Lee, C., and Tseng, Y. J. (Mar. 2023). “Recent advances in quantum computing for drug discovery and development.” IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, DOI: 10.1109/MNANO.2023.3249499


(also including PhD student day, Symposium, Forum, Winter school and Summer school)

Attendence with presentation


10. [oral, DLPROBSEG] Yang, Y. Y., Pickersgill, R. W., Fornili, A. “Deep learning for binding site segmentation in protein ensembles.” Evotec PhD Day 2024 (virtual and internally at Evotec, 17 Oct.)
9. [poster/lightening talk, DLPROBSEG] Yang, Y. Y., Pickersgill, R. W., Fornili, A. “Deep learning for binding site segmentation in protein ensembles.” MDAnalysis UGM 2024 (London, UK, 21-23 Aug.)
8. [poster, DLPROBSEG] Yang, Y. Y., Pickersgill, R. W., Fornili, A. “Deep learning for binding site segmentation in protein ensembles.” CCP5 summer school 2024 (Newcastle, UK, 14-25 Jul.)
7. [poster] Yang, Y. Y., Ismail, N. M., Siu, P. C., Occhetta, M., Mellor, C., Dai, W., Finke, B., Bessant, C, Walker, A., and Crowther, D. “Graph Linkage and Database Cross-Reference in Assay Cascade Analysis for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).” UKRI/BBSRC AI for Drug Discovery Summer Symposium 2024. (London, UK, 26 Jun.)
6. [poster, DLPROBSEG] Yang, Y. Y., Pickersgill, R. W., Fornili, A. “Deep learning for binding site segmentation in protein ensembles.” UKRI/BBSRC AI for Drug Discovery Summer Symposium 2024. (London, UK, 26 Jun.)
5. [poster, DLPROBSEG] Yang, Y. Y., Pickersgill, R. W., Fornili, A.. “Deep learning for binding site segmentation in protein ensembles.” Thomas Young Centre (TYC) Postgraduate Student Day 2024. (London, UK, 22 May)


4. [poster, SASDBQSAR] Wang, P. H., Yang, Y. Y., and Tseng, Y. J. “QSAR model of carcinogenicity based on data from GreenScreen hazard assessment.” American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2022. (virtual, 21–25 Aug.)
3. [poster, SASDBQSAR] Wang, Y. K., Yang, Y. Y., Chang, C. Y., and Tseng, Y. J. “Current trends in safer alternatives and risk assessment.” American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2022. (virtual, 21–25 Aug.)
2. [poster, SASDBQSAR] Kuo, T. C., Wang, P. H., Wang, Y. K., Yang, Y. Y., Yao, P. Y., Jhong Y. C., Chang, C. Y., Lee, C. Y. and Tseng, Y. J. “Benchmark dataset for hazardous substances for safer alternative chemicals.” American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2022. (virtual, 21–25 Aug.)
1. [oral, COVIDVARI] Yang, Y. Y. and Tseng, Y. J. “Competitive analysis of different SARS-CoV-2 variants in United Kingdom, Israel, South Africa, Brazil and Peru.” American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring 2022. (virtual, 20–24 Mar.)

Attendence (as an organizer)


1. 18th Interdiscipline Biomedical Sciences conference (iBS18) hosted by London Biomedical Taiwanes Society (LTBS) (London, UK, 7 Dec.)

Attendence only


14. Biologics by Design Europe 2025 (virtual at CCG, 29 Jan.)


13. 28th MGMS Young Modellers’ Forum (YMF) 2024 (Oxford, UK, 29 Nov.)
12. ELRIG Conference - Drug Discovery 2024 (London, UK, 2-3 Oct.)
11. NSTC x LTBS Cross-Disciplinary Conference 2024 (London, UK, 13 Jul.)
10. UCL information studies reserach open day (London, UK, 3 Jun.)
9. 2024 UK-QSAR Spring Meeting (Babraham, UK, 11 Apr.)
8. AI UK 2024 (London, UK, 19-20 Mar.)
7. BMCS Conformational Design in Drug Discovery 2024 (Stevenage, UK, 07 Mar.)
6. QMUL SBBS PGR symposium 2024 (London, UK, 4 Mar.)
5. Festival of Genomics and Biodata 2024 (London, UK, 24-25 Jan.)
4. AIDD winter school 2024 (London, UK, 16-17 Jan.)


3. 27th MGMS Young Modellers’ Forum (YMF) 2023 (Oxford, UK, 24 Nov.)
2. 17th Interdiscipline Biomedical Sciences conference (iBS17) hosted by London Biomedical Taiwanes Society (LTBS) (London, UK, 18 Nov.)
1. AI at a Turning Point: How Can We Create Equitable AI Governance Futures? (London, UK, 02 Nov.)